Friday, January 20, 2012

It's All Good, Baby, Baby!

Friday.  Today is Friday.
I still can't leave the house or see anyone but it's Friday.  I don't have to get out of bed tomorrow.  I will, I'm just saying...
I purchased a white, velvet chair today.  A monumental feat, considering it is the first piece of furniture I have ever bought.  Alone.  The table, baker's rack, coffee table...all with one boyfriend or another.  Everything else has been gifted to me by my parent's move, etc.  Even the cutting boards - there are two - one from each of my long term relationships.  Odd, really.  It's going to be the best chair ever.  Even if it's not.  It's MY chair.
It's a little out there, a little gaudy and just right for the mood I am in.  Classic and risky.  I like it.
My mind is in a weird place, my heart in an even weirder one.  How DO people manage to be so carefree in their dating life?  Oh, wait.  That was me.  So, then, who is this girl?  A freaked out, over analytical ball of nerves and confusion.  Enough on that topic.  Enjoy your Friday.  I'm going to prop my feet up, put on a happy song and nod my head to the beat.

Monday, January 16, 2012

It's Raining...It's Pouring...I have MONO?!?

Yes, the irony is not lost on me.  I have mono.  Go ahead, laugh it up.  In the meantime, I will do my best to find the silver lining in quarantine.  Sigh.
* It's raining - or snowing - or something in between.  A downright lovely day.  Good thing I am not supposed to leave my house.
* My best friend is moving today - into a "big girl house".  One with a basement and multiple bedrooms.  When did adulthood thrust itself upon my social circle?  I mean, wasn't it yesterday it was okay to use your parent's address as your "permanent mailing location"??
* How much of a good thing turns it into a negative?  This question applies to a lot of facets of my life:  booze, cigarettes, junk food, caffeine...attention...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Things I Know...Tuesday Edition

Today I am feeling hopeful.  Today is going to be the start of my "Happiness Project".  I am generally a happy person but I tend to whine.  A lot.  Too much.  Complaining and whining.  Blahhhhh.  Who wants to be around that?  Instead of doing so, I am going to focus on the gifts and positive aspects in my life.

* I have the best family.  Best.  My mother and father are good, funny people who are wiser than I give them credit for.  My best friends are family, too.  I have a support system that can't be rivaled.  Somehow I have surrounded myself with amazing, strong, fiercely loyal, hilarious people.  I am not sure what I did to deserve them but I will take it, and do my best to make them feel how very much I love them.

* I have managed to stumble into something that sort of resembles a relationship?  An older guy with a creative edge, M is really quite wonderful.  Pensive, smart, if only he had health insurance and wasn't 12 years older than me...????  I am going to do my best to enjoy the situation and live in the moment.  The rest will figure itself out.

* I am going to take 2012 by storm.  I will:
* Write Everyday * Be More Thankful * Start Creating Again * Challenge Myself * Forgive * Drink More Water * Appreciate The Good And Purge The Bad * Laugh More And Frown Less