Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Things I know...

* Frozen Peas are amazing.
* I have a definite crush on the guy I took to my Sadie Hawkins dance a good 11 years ago.
* I forgot to pick up my dry cleaning. So I am forced to wake up early, shave my legs and self tan. Damn it.
* I am missing my "all day chats" with my Gchat buddy. Surprising someone who I barely know at all can know me better than most in my life. Perhaps some version of anonymity breeds honesty.
* I have been in bed every night before 9. Yay, middle aged-ness. You are rapidly approaching.
* David Sedaris, the Dalai Lama, Anthony Bourdain. I love my current books.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Things I Know - Brought to You by The Day Thursday

* Being employed is far more exciting than laying in bed wondering what working again would be like. It turns out there is an entire world of functioning people who wake up before the sun and are proud to do so. I am happy to be included in this group.
* A little stress is good for me. Nerves might cause a racing heart. But how else can I appreciate a silent moment?
* My haircut is still God-awful.
* No man wants a woman who doesn't love herself. This, however, hasn't been my problem for years. It's just an observation.
* A great smile can outshine a beer belly any day. Nice tits will always trump a great smile, though.
* I'm in need of a manicure. They are pointless, as I seem to chip my nails instantly but nonetheless.
* I just went through my entire phonebook looking for a man to solicit. There wasn't a single possibility.
* John Mayer and Ben Harper make me laugh. Either that or cry. I blame the wine and the douchebag ex.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Things I know - Wednesday Edition

* My new haircut is severely unattractive.
* My new job is great. It's wonderful. It will hopefully pay the bills, teach me new things, keep my attention, and help me reach my potential.
* Shantae is my new best friend. Sorry Les and Sarah. Sorry Heather and Danny. Shantae and I have bonded. She understands me. She's the best car ever.
* Healthcare reform makes me smile. I might have been brought up in a very republican household but I am proud to be a liberal, socialist-adoring, working woman. I am proud to have voted for Obama. Is he perfect? Hell no. And I like it that way.
* My "Singer/Songwriter" Genius mix on ITunes inspires me to create. Just why isn't this artist painting anything these days? They gave me a degree in creativity. Literally. I should be painting. Right?! How does ITunes come up with these mixes? You know what they are?! GENIUS!
* Spiders are gross and especially so when found in your bedroom. Gross. Get your eight legs OFF of my floor. How did you get your creepy-crawly ass into my apartment?

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Jobs, Cars and Caffeine

I haven't written in a long time. Not for lack of interesting topics, just a lack of time. I travelled to L.A. to see Heather and Jefe, having the best time. Ever. The Aquarium of the Pacific is Ahhh-mazing. Check it out if you are ever down there.
I start my new job tomorrow. Five months of not working has me feeling a little short on confidence. I know I will be okay, I just feel my palms getting damp and my feet start to slip around in my shoes a bit. My tummy begins to grumble - and not in a good way. Perhaps it is my absolute, sheer terror of bridges and freeways that has me nervous. My commute consists of nothing but these horrific entities - and they are therefore unavoidable. Thank goodness I have become the recent acquirer of Shantae, my Big, Black Mama. Otherwise known as a "thrifty" purchase, my new car is an exciting rite of passage.
I have also decided I have given up promiscuity for lent. Primarily because I am in the middle of a dry spell. WTF, men of Portland?! Where are you? If I end up a dried up old prune I am blaming all of you, damn it. Honestly. I know if I don't get off my couch on a Friday night and do something social I will never meet a "nice boy". But my perpetual singlehood as me feeling a tad uneasy about socializing in public places. Such a catch-22. Sigh.
Anyway, world, wish me luck tomorrow. I am off to conquer the catering world. One banquet at a time.