Friday, May 27, 2011

Things I Know...Friday Edition

* Holiday weekends are the stuff dreams are made of.  Or at least the anticipation leading up to one is.

* Everyone around me is getting married.  Really.  Granted, my profession fuels this fact.

* My friend called me her "Man Eater Hero" this week.  Proud?  Of course.  Second guessing my actions as of late?  Of course. 

* I am avoiding the DEQ.  I don't know why.   It sounds awful. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Things I Know I DONT Want...

What THAT was ugly. 
* I am referring to my experience (2 dates, to be exact) with a guy.  I will spare you all the nitty gritty and cut to the chase.  There are some great things about this guy...andddddddd some not so great things.

* He's Catholic!
* His parents are still married...but he's a divorcee.
* He has his Master's degree...but he just got his teaching certificate 2 weeks ago.
* He has a job...but it's as a security guard at a local high school (!!).
* He is taller than me...but by less than a fraction of an inch.
* He has a car...but it's older than me.  For reals.
* He has a house...oh wait.  It's his parents'. 
* He brought wine...but it was Ravenswood and House Wine.
* He is a baseball fan...but he roots for the Yanks.
* He brought me flowers...but they were in a recycled salsa jar.
* He has tattoos...but one of them may or may not be tribal. 
* ...He had really ugly shoes.

And wait for it...wait for it...wait for it...
* He brought cheese (my favorite thing!)...but...IT WAS USED CHEESE. 

What is "used cheese" you may ask.  Well, simply put, he brought cheese from his refrigerator.  Wrapped in a Ziploc bag and I believe there was a rubber band involved?  Here's my question.  When he was at Safeway buying cheap wine and cheap flowers, why didn't he just grab new cheese?  Like, if this was his favorite kind and he wanted to share, why wouldn't he get a new block?  I just don't understand leaving one's house and grabbing open cheese from your refrigerator to take somewhere.  I can't wrap my mind around that.  Ohhhhh guess what?  He took it with him when he left.  

Needless to say, there will not be a third date.  Oves. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Today is Wednesday...

Today is Wednesday...what this means:
* I have to attend the weekly banquet event order (BEO) meeting.  In theory, this meeting is awful.  I don't really mind it, however.  I enjoy my F & B team.  We are funny people - we have fun.   

* I have come into the best group of ladies.  Rarely do I trust women - especially like this.  When you know, you know, though, and I know.  We are all extremely opinionated, passionate and different on so many levels.  Most importantly, we are hilarious.  In the last 7 days we have gotten into a heated discussion on religion, reactivated and deactivated 3 separate facebook accounts, gotten tattoos (!!) at 1:15 in the morning at a parlor called Sea Tramp, corrupted an innocent coworker, had a 90's themed dance party, shut down a bar in tears, eaten at least 10 hamburgers, insulted the eye wear of a local skeez, designated a bar as our own...and I am talking all in one week.  There's more debauchery in the three of us than in most college frat houses.  Just sayin'. 

* I have a date tonight.  A.  Date.  I have a DATEEEEEE.  Obviously, I am freaking out.  I don't have the foggiest clue what I am doing.  I can woo the opposite sex, no problem, but attending something as traditional as a "date" has me thrown.  Cocktails after work.  Around 6.  I don't want to screw this one up.  I mean, on paper this one has real potential.  Fingers crossed. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Things I know - Tuesday Edition

* Laughter heals all.  I mean it.  How can you be grumpy, sad, self-loathing, or lonely when you are sitting at a table of new friends - who for some reason trust more than some old - laughing so hard your face hurts? 

* Family is not made up of blood and flesh.  Farrrrr from it.  Those who carry the same DNA as me are not my family.  My family are those who have wiped my tears, laughed at my jokes, held my hand when I was scared and done so willingly.  I have no qualms about returning the favor, either. I love my family (parents and those of you who know you've earned the title) more fiercely than I hate my past. 

* I am overly needy at times.  I need to be reassured I am loved, important, good at what I do, and reassured often.  I am an extremely independent person - and I love myself.  I am not insecure - that's not the problem.  I just "need".  Does that make sense? 

* I am happy today.  I have nothing to complain about.