Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Things I know - Tuesday Edition

* Laughter heals all.  I mean it.  How can you be grumpy, sad, self-loathing, or lonely when you are sitting at a table of new friends - who for some reason trust more than some old - laughing so hard your face hurts? 

* Family is not made up of blood and flesh.  Farrrrr from it.  Those who carry the same DNA as me are not my family.  My family are those who have wiped my tears, laughed at my jokes, held my hand when I was scared and done so willingly.  I have no qualms about returning the favor, either. I love my family (parents and those of you who know you've earned the title) more fiercely than I hate my past. 

* I am overly needy at times.  I need to be reassured I am loved, important, good at what I do, and reassured often.  I am an extremely independent person - and I love myself.  I am not insecure - that's not the problem.  I just "need".  Does that make sense? 

* I am happy today.  I have nothing to complain about.  


  1. i agree with all said things! see you tomorrow.. oh check out my new post too, it's me with an oxygen tank.

  2. I think you're amazing:) Can't wait to see you next, it's long overdue! Love you!
