So, I am re-vamping the blog. I know, I know, it's practically brand new. Here's the thing - I was getting depressed reading my own entries. I need warmth, laughter and honesty in my life, not just men. I mean, obviously, I don't need a man. So why dedicate an entire blog to dating (or not dating)? I am sure this reworked version will contain more than a few dating horror stories and inappropriate indiscretions. Don't you worry. My cynicism isn't gone. Just redirected. Names will not be changed - except when they really, really need to be.
Today, while wallowing in my "grumpy mood", Sarah suggested thinking of happy thoughts. Such an easy thing to say when your friend is down in the dumps. But really, not a bad idea. The first things that came to my mind were my new "magic shoes" and limbo sticks. Let's face it. Few things make a girl feel better than new shoes. Black, converse hi-tops. Such a simple indulgence but they make me feel like dancing and nothing feels better than a spin around the living room. And can anyone be grumpy when thinking of the limbo?
** Okay, scratch that. The limbo sucks. In an attempt to make this entry a little snazzy, I just google image searched the limbo stick. Turns out it's Hawaiian.
My fear of all things Polynesian stems from my ex. Joe hailed from the island of Maui and therefore I now find myself having a distinct aversion to the place. In fact, I was actively rooting against Miss Hawaii in Saturday's Miss America Pageant. Poor thing didn't stand a chance with all the booing and hissing I directed at the TV.
I came to two realizations today...
ONE: I can't stand oatmeal. It might be good for you but it's not good. Not good at all. I have an absolute TON of it so I decided to make some for breakfast. I made lots of it. Why not? This magic, heart-friendly food can be a good lunch for later too, right? Ummm, no way. I can't even bring myself to clean out the pot.
TWO: I miss working. A lot. Today, Pat messaged me "Boo Monday". And yes, of course, I replied that Mondays suck. But you know what? Everyday is Sunday for me right now and it's boring. I can stay up as late as I want to any night. I can sleep in everyday. I can sit around in my underwear at 3pm and not think twice about it (yes, I do this. A lot). I am going to write an "unemployed schedule" tomorrow.
Time for the Bachelor. Woot.
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