* Attitude is everything.
* Waking up to a twinge of daylight today, for the first time this year makes me smile. I am not one to complain about the darkness and rain - but I am excited about the idea of Spring. Spring means travel, flowers, outdoor patios, and fresh starts.
* I enjoy being good at my job. I am feeling confident in myself as of late - maybe because I am kicking ass. Or I think I am. There I go questioning myself again...
* Speaking of outdoor patios and travel - I leave in 25 days. So excited. I am pretty sure I am going to pass out at the first sight of anything Italian. It's so romanticized in my head -sitting at a sidewalk cafe, sipping cappuccino, staring at beautiful men zipping by on Vespas. Sigh.
* The idea of flying for an entire day freaks me out. I cry, shake, rash out at the very thought of flying to California, yet alone over the Atlantic. What lies on the other side is more than enough inspiration to do it, however Mary's new acquisition of Ambien has me worried about the flight for reasons even farther out of my control. Can't you just see it now? A plane full of sleeping travelers, quietly snoozing...and out of nowhere, a petite older Southern lady is dancing in the aisles, cha-cha-ing her way through the rows. Oh dear. Ohhhh dear.
ReplyDeleteAnd this is why I love you in my life!