Well, well, well. It has been a longggg ass time. Thanks Kristi. Your fabulous sense of humor and wonderful writing inspired me to "get back in the saddle".
I can't stop smiling. I've been bitten by the eewy, gooey crush bug. Very similar to a 12 year old school girl, I am on cloud nine because a boy paid attention to me. While I am aware this gross feeling goes against everything I stand for, I can't help it. HE TEXTED ME!! "He" - let's call him Fred - is gorgeous. This superficial fact alone has me all atwitter. I'm not sure we have ever really spoken in person. Maybe a passing, "hi"...but that's probably it. I can't bring myself to open my mouth around him, I get too nervous. Yes, this socially capable, self-described people person is at a loss for words because of a pretty boy. Sigh. So, how, you may ask, did we progress to texting? THANK YOU Mr. Zuckerberg. I owe you. Big time. A friend request, a few humiliating drunkbook messages, a desperate attempt to share my digits...and BAM! I am pretty sure he is petrified of my very calculated scheduling of our "hanging out". Being a gal who plans things for a living, I obviously had to have the day and time frame mapped out. In attempts to not come across psychotic, I prefaced my insanity with, "I'm an event planner - I like planning. It's sick, I know. Yes, I also like spread sheets". His response? "Yeah i'm not just FYI :)". The sad thing is the use of the smiley face did, in fact, make me grin. Sheesh, Fal. Get it together! Anyway, we are supposedly going to hangout Wednesday after he gets off work. Let's see how this pans out. I want to get into trouble. Fingers crossed.
yes! welcome back, glad to be of service. i love your fyi "i plan things, ps." it's good to always be unapologetically yourself <3