Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Things I know - Wednesday Edition

* My new haircut is severely unattractive.
* My new job is great. It's wonderful. It will hopefully pay the bills, teach me new things, keep my attention, and help me reach my potential.
* Shantae is my new best friend. Sorry Les and Sarah. Sorry Heather and Danny. Shantae and I have bonded. She understands me. She's the best car ever.
* Healthcare reform makes me smile. I might have been brought up in a very republican household but I am proud to be a liberal, socialist-adoring, working woman. I am proud to have voted for Obama. Is he perfect? Hell no. And I like it that way.
* My "Singer/Songwriter" Genius mix on ITunes inspires me to create. Just why isn't this artist painting anything these days? They gave me a degree in creativity. Literally. I should be painting. Right?! How does ITunes come up with these mixes? You know what they are?! GENIUS!
* Spiders are gross and especially so when found in your bedroom. Gross. Get your eight legs OFF of my floor. How did you get your creepy-crawly ass into my apartment?

1 comment:

  1. You my darling are hilarious! "Random doesnt begin to describe" my longest (not oldest...) bestie. I love it! Stop screwing and keep writing!! At least the keyboard wont wake up next to you one morning smitten and run off with someone else the next. ha! xo
